The Academy Logo
The Academy logo embodies the initials of Grace Christian Academy,
starting with “G” at the crown of the vine which
embraces the heart of the Cross,
embraces the heart of the Cross,
leading through the “C” between the two leaves,
and “A” at the bottom resting at the foot of the Cross.
A verse in the Holy Bible, John 15:5a (KJV), says that
“I am [Jesus is] the vine, and ye [we] are the branches.”
“I am [Jesus is] the vine, and ye [we] are the branches.”
Therefore, at Grace Christian Academy, we are dependent upon God,
as it is only in abiding and relying on Him can we bear fruit in our lives.
The Academy logo embodies the initials of Grace Christian Academy,
starting with “G” at the crown of the vine which
embraces the heart of the Cross,
embraces the heart of the Cross,
leading through the “C” between the two leaves,
and “A” at the bottom resting at the foot of the Cross.
A verse in the Holy Bible, John 15:5a (KJV), says that
“I am [Jesus is] the vine, and ye [we] are the branches.”
“I am [Jesus is] the vine, and ye [we] are the branches.”
Therefore, at Grace Christian Academy, we are dependent upon God,
as it is only in abiding and relying on Him can we bear fruit in our lives.
The Academy logo embodies the initials of Grace Christian Academy,
starting with “G” at the crown of the vine which
embraces the heart of the Cross,
embraces the heart of the Cross,
leading through the “C” between the two leaves,
and “A” at the bottom resting at the foot of the Cross.
A verse in the Holy Bible, John 15:5a (KJV), says that
“I am [Jesus is] the vine, and ye [we] are the branches.”
“I am [Jesus is] the vine, and ye [we] are the branches.”
Therefore, at Grace Christian Academy, we are dependent upon God,
as it is only in abiding and relying on Him can we bear fruit in our lives.